Category: All

Listening to the Pain of the World

They say a parent loves their child so much that the child’s needs come first. Through exhaustion and fatigue, through early mornings and late nights, through rebellion, lies, and being ignored, a parent will ensure their child’s survival and even its thriving. This is how I want to love the world. I want to love…
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Because the World Needs Us

I have been writing much about suffering, so today I thought I would write about love. It’s difficult to discuss it in a way that is fresh and alive. The word itself died long ago in the coffin of cliche and teenage romance. What good will saying it one more time do? When I first…
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The Dharma of Our Times

Now published on the Be Here Now Network I have spent years trying to find that morally superior stance that could acquit me of the suffering of society.  As a young environmental and human rights activist I found solace by making corporations the enemy. They were the cause of our suffering. Eventually that no longer…
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Spirituality Does Not Need Pseudoscience

The Ground of Being does not require science for it’s proof. It does not require quantum physics. Once it is tasted, it can never fully leave you, and no amount of evidence could convince you contrary to it’s existence. Once we see that we are the depth of Eternal Consciousness, then every thought, sensation, experience,…
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Drinking Urine for Spiritual Enlightenment?

A little blog entry about urine, enlightenment, and the need for logic and reason on the spiritual path.

Normalizing Truth

How are you? How many times have I held back answering that question honestly because I didn’t want to deal with the responses that would follow? Being honest and truthful is a powerful practice to soften the edges of the ego, drop pretense, and help foster more intimacy in the community, but our culture doesn’t…
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An Encounter with Christ

It doesn’t matter to me anymore what I even believe about this event. Over the years I have looked at this from all sides- Jungian depth psychology, set and setting, western esotericism, Hinduism, Christianity, Buddhism… The truth is, at my core, I am not so interested in beliefs. It doesn’t matter what I believe about…
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Satya- “Truth”

Through my Sanskrit studies I have become enamored with the word “Satya,” or “Truth.”  I am not a scholar of Sanskrit, but simply an amateur student. That being said, I thought I would share a little bit about this great and ancient word. The word satya is made of two parts- “sat” and “ya.”  Sat…
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I was a guest on the “Mind Left Body” podcast

I recently returned from Maui, and I am feeling recharged and reinvigorated. Expect to see lots of new content in the next few weeks, as well as an updated kirtan schedule.  There are already lots of new dates lined up, so check out the schedule page! If you want to see me in your area,…
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Compassion, Privilege, and Spiritual Practice

I just finished spending time at the “Ram Dass Spring on Maui Retreat.” An incredible lineup of teachers was present, including Lama Surya Das, Mirabai Bush, Saraswati and Raghu Marcus, Nina Rao, Rameshwar Das and Shantala. Of course, for me and many others, our reason for being there was Ram Dass. It’s hard to put…
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